Homes for Sale in Loma Portal, CA

Loma Portal is home to Point Loma High School, Dana Middle School, and several elementary schools. Also, Plumosa Park, a 1.4-acre passive park, is located in Loma Portal. The neighborhood also includes the James Edgar and Jean Jessop Hervey Point Loma Branch Library, which opened in 2003, replacing a smaller public library. The area is primarily residential, with a business and retail center located on Voltaire Street.

A distinctive feature of this neighborhood is the placement of street lights in the middle of intersections instead of on the sidewalks.

Loma Portal lies directly under the takeoff flight path for nearby Lindbergh Field, making it the home of the “Point Loma Pause” where all conversation ceases temporarily because of airplane noise Loma Portal is known throughout San Diego for its neighborhood holiday decorations. Several blocks of Garrison Street near Chatsworth are particularly known for elaborate decorations. Also, a neighborhood-wide lighting of luminarias occurs each Christmas Eve in the Plumosa Park area.

San Diego, CA 92106
Area: 2687
Point Loma, CA 92106
Area: 1951
San Diego, CA 92106
Area: 1795
San Diego, CA 92106
Area: 2620